Specialized Testing

Get answers and not diagnoses.

By working with various accredited laboratories in Canada and the United States, Lifestyle Naturopathy is proud to offer access to numerous tests.

Interpretation of test results requires training and experience. Nicole Reilkoff, ND is adept in doing the research necessary and in providing clear and concise direction in making use of your results with practical everyday applications.

Specialized Naturopathic Testing
Getting answers and not diagnoses serves as the heart of Lifestyle Naturopathy testing.

To determine which tests offer the most appropriate information for your needs, a consultation with Nicole Reilkoff, ND will guide you in your choices. For those with an exploratory interest or a readiness to get testing started a number of tests are ready to be purchased.

Results are sent to Nicole Reilkoff ND and require a 30-minute consultation to fully review results and to provide the next steps to take in your healing journey.

Are you ready to Test?

Browse through available tests that you can order now.

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