Top 12 Commitments to Deal With The New Normal

Fatigue is a major concurrence many clients have expressed over the past few months. Having stayed at home during the quarantine, it might seem counterintuitive to feel more tired than the previous hustle and bustle of day to day living. We continue to see the call for obligatory social distancing, wearing masks, frequent hand-washing, use of hand-sanitizers for every commerce visited amongst the stress of personal struggles.

At Lifestyle Naturopathy, a call for acceptance to move forward appears to be the key. Here are the top 12 commitments to help you, your family, and your friends get back into feeling good and thriving.

  1. Develop a morning checklist to start the day off.
    • Aim for 3 healthy traits to accomplish in the morning. A great trick to managing this is to rotate your schedule. An example: make the bed, brush your teeth, drink water.
  2. Exercise.
    • Make this happen whether you feel like it or not. Getting moving is crucial to your wellbeing.
  3. Eat well.
    • Experiment with food, especially with trying new vegetables. Bring in a rainbow of colour in every meal.  Use spices and fresh herbs.
  4. Clean.
    • No need to go overboard, keep it steady and consistent to feel good in your space.
  5. Get creative.
    • Resorting to popular entertainments (series, films, gaming) are no-brainers. Make the leap into doing something new and stimulating.
  6. Meditate.
    • Whether using guided meditations, silence, candlelight, or breathwork, take 20 minutes to recenter and nourish your soul.
  7. Create healthy habits.
    • Cancel out old habits by creating new habits. This is not an easy task but it is worthwhile. Take time to journal out your feelings and write down an action plan to make this commitment real.
  8. Focus on positivity.
    • Reading online conspiracies and news can inspire both fear and rage but rarely hope-filled solutions. Be discerning about what you are opening your mind to; if solutions are not apparent and within your own ability to exact change, bring your attention to the people in your life and reach out to them.
  9. Self-care.
    • Give yourself a make-over. Ensure that you maintain a healthy skincare routine. Give yourself a foot massage.
  10. Organize.
    • Let go of old outdated items. Bring order to your refrigerator, shelves, drawers, and desktops.
  11. Learn.
    • Engage in workshops and invest in yourself. Try learning about cultures, languages, maths, sciences, and arts.
  12. Get outside.
    • Go outside. Nature provides so much beauty to appreciate and will delight your senses.

**The featured chart is a simple way of getting ideas for daily care.

Nicole Reilkoff ND

Nicole Reilkoff ND

Nicole Reilkoff certified Naturopath and reflexologist, offers her professional bilingual, services from the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex situated in Montréal.




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