Many residents in NDG and certain areas of Montreal are concerned about heavy metals, specifically lead, in tap drinking water. Join Nicole Reilkoff ND, and others, in testing the levels of 45 different elements, both toxic build-ups and the potential excesses or deficiencies of essential minerals. Learn where these heavy metals are found and how to limit your exposure.
Did you know that:
- lead intake can lead to gastrointestinal problems, also affecting the kidneys, muscle function and lowering cognitive function.
- an excess of selenium can cause hair loss, diarrhea, skin lesions, and depigmentation.
- a deficiency of rubidium can contribute to feelings of depression.
- an unbalanced ratio of calcium to phosphorus (Ca/P) may be helped by supplemental enzymes.
- exposure to mercury vapor can cause bronchitis, leading to respiratory insufficiency.
These workshops are currently taking place online. Please check here for upcoming dates.
Registrants must pay upon registration and must submit their hair element sample two weeks prior to the workshop.
Call 514 651 8382 or use the contact form to connect and register for this workshop.
Cost: $160 CAD
Payable by email transfer:
Hair Specimen Collection Protocol ***READ CAREFULLY***
- Wash hands and ensure scissors are clean and in good condition.
- Electric Hair clippers are not to be used due to metal contamination.
- Collect the hair sample from the nape of the neck as close to the scalp as possible. It can be collected from 4 – 6 different areas. It is recommended to have someone do the collection for you.
- As each segment of the hair is collected, save only 2.5cm (1 inch) closest to the scalp (new growth). Discard remaining hair.
- Place sample hair in a collection bag (clean, sealable plastic bag).
- Continue to collect hair until about 1 gram or 1 tablespoon is collected.
Complete info required:
- Your name:
- Name of Naturopath: Nicole Reilkoff ND – Lifestyle Naturopathy
- Date sample was taken:
Complete and mail sample and required information to:
CanAlt Laboratories
3 – 242 Applewood Cres.
Concord, Ontario
Canada L4K 4E5
Special Notes:
Dandruff shampoos contain Zinc [Head and Shoulders], Selenium [Selsun Blue] and Lead [Grecian Formula] and should NOT be used prior to taking a sample.
Hair that has been recently chemically treated [color permanent, etc] may result in erroneous mineral readings. It is best to wait at least 4-6 weeks taking the sample from as much new hair growth as possible.
The use of pubic hair is best reserved for situations where head hair is not available due to the slow growth rate.
Interpretation of Results:
The analytical results provided are for informational and educational purposes only and are not to be construed as medical advice or instruction.