Hair Health

by | Dec 3, 2014 | Uncategorized

A well coiffed hair-do can set the mood of the day. Hair has so many cultural implications –from colour, colourings, coverings, texture and length; what we choose to show other people of our hair is a strong expression of self. For two years I covered my hair with a scarf for spiritual reasons. It certainly had a number of people inquiring as to why.

A lot of women ask me about how to keep their locks luscious and long and more often than that are the anxious stricken ladies who come to ask me about their hair loss. I talk to women about the benefits of biotin and silica, of hair treatments consisting of an oil blend consisting of jojoba, olive and some essential oils.

For those tearfully concerned about hair loss, I touch upon whether or not they have had their thyroid levels tested, if they have not I suggest that they do so, and for those who have and the results were in the normal range I inquire about their daily stressors. The response is almost always a resounding yes to high levels of stress and low means for coping with ongoing events that they are powerless over.

Many women find it useful to be reminded that the hair follicle will fall out after about seven years and that falling hair is part of its cycle. We have a lot of hair on our heads and many times what seems like a major loss may not be at all noticeable to others. For those presented with ongoing hair loss, I suggest a personal consult so as to get as much information as possible.

Greying hair can be abated by a good B-complex; PABA in particular has been noted to help retain hair colour. Strong mineral complexes such as blue-green algae is a great addition to daily supplemental regimes.

Nicole Reilkoff ND

Nicole Reilkoff ND

Nicole Reilkoff certified Naturopath and reflexologist, offers her professional bilingual, services from the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex situated in Montréal.




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