1. Get outside – dress warmly in layers and enjoy this season! Locate fun activities to keep spirits up.
2. Moisturize your skin – try using pure shea butter, melted in your hands and massaged in to help protect skin from cold winds, nose blowing and overall dry air.
3. Use a humidifier – humidity in the air can help reduce the build up of static electricity that can be problematic in dry environments.
4. Hydrate – drink plenty of water.
5. Cook – Cook plenty; hungry appetites, socializing and frozen soups help a lot for the days when you might feel under the weather.
6. Light candles – Candles create a magical feeling in the dark early evening and help us appreciate our inner world.
7. Fast – If you have caught cold and lack an appetite, do not force yourself to eat, rest and recuperate with hot fluids, tisanes, broths, light soups.
8. Supplement – make use of the supplements you have at home; probiotics, vitamin C, multivitamins and omega 3 can help provide some of the nutritional support to stay feeling well.
9. Laugh – snuggle in for a humour-filled feel-good movie.
10. Craft – enjoy making stuff.
11. Brew spicy tisanes – boil water and add some of your favorite spices in the tea ball or bag, a big pot will fill the air with the inviting and warm scent. Try cardamom, cinnamon, orange rinds, and star anise.
12. Sleep – Profit from the morning light by getting enough sleep to awaken with the sunrise.
Winter Health Tips
Nicole Reilkoff ND
Nicole Reilkoff certified Naturopath and reflexologist, offers her professional bilingual, services from the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex situated in Montréal.