One area to work on is the conscious awareness of stress management. The first part of this process is acute awareness. Where do you feel stress manifest in your body? What signs indicate to you that you are feeling stress? Perhaps a sense of tension, a lack of joy, anxiety, worry, or anger permits you to acknowledge levels of stress.
A fun way to get in touch with your body is to create a dialogue. This removes circular thinking and places you wholly in your body to get a sense of what is being asked of you. In fact, you can ask what the situation is: for example, the next time you hear your stomach gurgling, listen, place your hands over the area and say aloud or quietly, ‘Why are you making this noise? What do I need to know, to do?’ Trust the response that comes to you.
Aches, pains, fatigue, as well as high energy, great digestion, and a healthy complexion are all modes of body communication. By getting in touch with ourselves we can go beyond the ingrained desire to quiet our body complaints and delve into the enhancement of the positive. More often than not, the response relates to emotional components that can be addressed through daily living in creative thinking.
Nutritional intake provides the functional balance for physiologic purpose, thus the cycle between mood and food intake is innately intertwined. One way to participate in this is by taking time to enjoy the food being eaten. Taking time to breathe and enjoy your present environment regardless of where you might be presented opportunistic thoughts and that in turn relates to what I call physiologic purpose, where the body can create the peptides responsible for feeling secure and at ease. Self-love has been noted as a peptide called vasoactive intestinal peptide. This plays a key role in immune system function and charges a feeling of overall wellbeing.