Mood is related to physical health

by | Apr 9, 2013 | Uncategorized

Recently I was asked two questions: one pertaining to the use of l-theanine and the other requesting information for mood stability and the use of the B-vitamins, vitamin C and D.

Firstly I want to address the idea of supplementation. As I see it, natural health products are a supplement; thus supplemental to healthy lifestyle choices. Occasionally the use of supplements to address particular deficiencies will make a dramatic difference in aiding the corrective function of cellular metabolism and overall sense of wellbeing. Deficiencies are quite common. Using a good multivitamin can help meet our daily nutritional needs safely.

Let’s now take a look at the amino acid L-theanine. Found in green, black and oolong tea, L-theanine has been found to benefit the mind by aiding in the calming production of alpha waves. Some call it meditation in a bottle and it is known to help with calming caffeine induced jitters. I hypothesize that the reason green tea is more promoted as the ultimate source for relaxation is due to the ratios of caffeine found in camellia sinesis. So, one who drinks green tea regularly can enjoy the effects of low caffeine and the effects of l-theanine to calm by its participation in the balancing of serotonin and dopamine and potentially its actions in blocking excitatory neurotoxins.
However, being mindful of acknowledging where the question is coming from, I am hesitate to acclaim and promote the use of l-theanine in one who drinks a substantial amount of coffee. While, this amino can be of use, the primary cause of using l-theanine to help with relaxation can be useful providing that the balance not be over thrown with stimulants such as coffee.

Mood swings can be a challenge, especially common in women with fluctuating hormones that affect the adrenals, the thyroid, the digestive track and the nervous system. Using a base of B-complex vitamins along with vitamin C and D can be greatly helpful. The full story must take into account getting enough sleep, utilizing a support system, eating regularly and well and avoiding known neurotoxins such as those found within cigarette smoke. L-theanine may prove useful here but in the case of working with any prescription medications, a check with a pharmacist must be done prior to taking l-theanine to avoid contraindication.

Nicole Reilkoff ND

Nicole Reilkoff ND

Nicole Reilkoff certified Naturopath and reflexologist, offers her professional bilingual, services from the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex situated in Montréal.




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